Project Overview
Gippsland Skies Offshore Wind
The Commonwealth Government declared areas in Bass Strait off Gippsland, Victoria, as suitable for offshore wind energy development on 19 December 2022.
In 2024, our consortium was granted a feasibility licence to commence investigative studies in the South Gippsland declared area (OEI-01-2022 Part 3), off the coast of Waratah Bay.
The proposed Gippsland Skies project will be developed in a phased approach, enabling it to contribute to a sustainable project pipeline and the long-term growth of the offshore wind industry in Australia.
The full potential of the project could deliver 2.5 GW to Victoria’s electricity network, enough power for approximately 1.4 million homes.
Our project will be located within the granted feasibility licence area, which is approximately 53 km from Cape Liptrap and 30 km from Wilsons Promontory.
Feasibility licence award is the starting point for multi-year detailed marine studies, with our team now preparing approval applications for offshore surveys within the feasibility licence area and investigative studies for cable routes to shore.
Project timeline
Offshore wind projects can take a considerable length of time to develop due to their scale and complexity.
A comprehensive offshore and onshore survey program is required to ensure the project is planned and designed to respond to environmental sensitivities.
Based on experience successfully developing offshore wind farm projects around the world, we have mapped out an indicative project timeline.
Early 2024 | Feasibility licence award. |
Early-Mid 2024 | Offshore Survey programme consultation. Commence State/Federal planning approvals process for offshore surveys. |
Late 2024 | Offshore survey programme starts. |
2026-2027 | State/Federal planning approvals process. |
Late 2020s | Decision on project approval. Pre-construction activities commence. |
2032 | Phase 1 Operational. |